
Showing posts from September, 2009

Prayer? Has it come to that?

I recall reading a story about a woman who received a grim diagnosis from her Doctor. She said is there anything I can do? He replied, well you can pray...she said " Has it come to that? *In the introduction to his book A Call to Spiritual Reformation: Priorities from Paul and His Prayers, author D.A. Carson writes: Do you not sense, with me, the severity of the problem? Granted that most of us know some individuals who are remarkable prayer warriors, is it not nevertheless true that by and large we are better at organizing than agonizing? Better at administering than interceding? Better at fellowship than fasting? Better at entertainment than worship? Better at theological articulation than spiritual adoration? Better—God help us!—at preaching than at praying? The following thoughts on prayer ( while not my own)sum up for me, so clearly what I believe is the disconect with to many of us who say we believe in prayer. "Prayer involves, at a tremendously deep level, a particul...

Making good decisions!

The calling of "The Twelve Apostles" by the Lord Jesus Christ, is a incredible reminder that God sees far-reaching potential in ordinary people, it furthermore teaches us our Lords method of decision making. One of those days Jesus went out to a mountainside to pray, and spent the night praying to God. 13When morning came, he called his disciples to him and chose twelve of them, whom he also designated apostles: (Luke 6:12-13). Our Lord often spent time alone with His Father in prayer and contemplation before making critical life decisions . We would be wise to do the same! Prayer is not only significant but crucial. Jesus makes major decisions and works miracles out of the context of prayer. Prayer is not just a good idea but is the fabric of His connection with the Father. Chris Sarris Each day life thrusts choices upon us. Sometimes we have to choose between the good and the best.... how will we know what to do, if we don't ask God to show us? The qu...


Michelle Robin Hensley November 11th 1969 - September 15th 2009 "We believe as Christians, that when our loved ones die, they go to be with the Lord. The Bible teaches that the Lord is with us. Well if they are with Him, and He is with us...they cannot be very far away" Peter Marshall My Dear Friend's, September 15 at 10:35 pm, my wonderful and Godly 39 year old sister Michelle, stepped into the presence of our Glorious Lord and King . Thank you for your wonderful support and kindness and understanding, our family has felt your care and warmth. I will forever be thankful that I came "Home" to be with her and my mom arriving Tuesday morning. Shell was unresponsive and in a coma all day. She was blessed to be comforted by Mom, my brother Mike, his wife Chrissie, and their two sons Caleb, and Josh. Barbara, my mother in law was there throughout the day, and part of the eveing. Several of Shell's friends came as well. Hospice was great (every step of the way) a...

The Narrow Gate

Giving ones life to the Lord Jesus Christ,is not the way of the world. People are often reluctant, or hesitant and preoccupied, with the busyness of life, to take the time and really consider their spiritual life and the claims of Jesus Christ. I believe, a decision to live life, apart from a true investigation of the life of Jesus is the most regrettable of choices. Even the disciples (Men who had spent three years with Jesus) were questioning who He claimed to be , they were concerned. Jesus is heading to a cross and a (unknown to them) empty tomb! In the days leading up to Our Lord’s death there is growing fear and confusion , in Johns gospel, Thomas asks Jesus this question: "Lord," Thomas said, "we don't know where You're going. How can we know the way?" Jesus told him, "I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me. (John 14:5-6). And then Jesus makes a ...

The Heavens Declare!

Roiling cauldrons of gas heated to more than 36,000 degrees Fahrenheit tear across space at more than 600,000 miles an hour from Planetary Nebula NGC 6302 in this image taken by the Hubble Space Telescope's Wide Field Camera 3 (NASA) Space the final frontier! I'll say! The heavens declare the glory of God, and the sky above proclaims his handiwork. (Psalm 19:1).ESV I remember reading a story of a small child who was looking up into the inky black darkness of the night sky, observing the vast stars...and in a moment of inspiration asked her Father ..." Daddy if the wrong side of heaven looks so beautiful, what must the right side look like"? The heavens declare the glory of God! And so they do, and that truth is not going unnoticed. In a very insightful blog Oklahoma Pastor Wade Burleson, shared the following story that references Dr. Robert Jastrow, the former head of Mt. Wilson Observatory in California, a prolific author, an...

The Ministry of Presence

Pres·ence 1. The state or fact of being present. 2. Immediate proximity in time or space. 3. A person who is present. I read of a little girl once who went to comfort a sorrowing mother . "What did you say?" asked her father. "Nothing," the little girl replied. "I just climbed up on her lap and cried with her." At some point in this life, you will need people like that! As this on-going drama continues in our families life, with the life threatening sickness, endured by our precious Michelle, it has been beyond comforting to meet and hear of people who like the little girl, practice the "Ministry of Presence". How we have needed you! You know them don't you? They are the ones who build decks that are wheel-chair accessible, they are the ones who send cards, they are the people who send flowers. . They are the kind of folks that don't think twice about driving more than 200 miles round trip to ...