In the in between times.
Life is never static, oh I know it can seem that way, but it is fluid, something or someone is coming into your life, my life soon. And that something or someone can change your life. Today I have a vivid recollection of an in between time in my life, when I had prayed and waited for a resolution to my dilemma of not having a church to pastor. I well remember graduating from Seminary in 1987 and impetuously, hastily moving back to Colorado, thinking I have spent seven years in Texas getting educated, I am going back home to Colorado! You would think a Seminary graduate would pray before such a move….but I really didn’t. Laura and I and our (then) young son Brian moved in with my mom, and waited for the call of God on my life to be realized. It wasn’t! No church showed any enduring interest….and in the “in between time” I clearly remember writing the following not...