
Showing posts from November, 2019

Are you Thirsty?

 J esus answered and said to her, “Whoever drinks of this water will thirst again, but whoever drinks of the water that I shall give him will never thirst. But the water that I shall give him will become in him a fountain of water springing up into everlasting life.” John 4: 13-14 In the Gospel of John chapter 4, Jesus meets the practical need of thirst, a woman who was used to being margina lized and kept at arm's length, (a woman who had experienced broken relationships and deep disappointment)would come down during the heat of the day, when no other person was around, to draw out life-sustaining water. In meeting Jesus, she finds someone who won’t ignore her, who in fact will offer her what her heart had always been longing for. I feel compelled to tell you, that He stands in front of you on this day after Thanksgiving to offer you the same thing...Himself! In Him, there is forgiveness, purpose, acceptance, and the moment by moment realization that your life has profound ...

“He has taken up your Cause”

I called on your name, O Lord, from the depths of the pit; 56 you heard my plea, ‘Do not close your ear to my cry for help!’ 57 You came near when I called on you; you said, ‘Do not fear!’ 58 “You have taken up my cause, O Lord; you have redeemed my life. Lamentations: 3:55-58 What an incredible reminder regarding Gods constant awareness of what we are currently going through! I am comforted, in knowing that the one who spoke this world into existence is attentive to every person who calls upon him! The phrase “You have taken up my cause” is especially insightful to me this morning ,  no matter where you are, no matter what is troubling you just now, you are of a concern, to the one who has unlimited power He has personally “Taken up Your Cause” in the light of that fresh reminder of Gods awareness, fears fade, and hope is restored! And this brand-new day, is full of promise and hope, and no matter how you feel at this moment, you are not alone, because “He has ...