Christmas Day at the Petro Truck Stop!

Be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, as God in Christ forgave you. (Ephesians 4:32).

     From Green River Wyoming to Laramie Wyoming is about 222 miles. Laramie is a great place to stop…gas up and snack up if you’re traveling on to Colorado Springs as Laura and I were on Christmas Day.  

We were still celebrating and commenting on two incredible services (Christmas Eve) and Christmas Day at HillTop Baptist Church.  Strong attendance, warm and loving people and the reminder that God so loved the World that He gave…the greatest present this world will ever receive... the Lord Jesus Christ!

The many miles we traveled across the black ribbon of Interstate 80 gave us ample time to reflect on Gods goodness. That very morning the congregation presented us an amazing financial gift…to remind us that we are valued and loved. 

Stopping in Laramie at the Petro Truck Stop I went in while Laura stayed in the Jeep.  Snacks in hand, I made my way to the counter where a lady looked at me and with a sigh said…."Guess I am feeling the empty nest today".

I asked her to tell me about it and quickly learned that she was from California, where her grown sons are now, she now living and working in Laramie and missing them, on Christmas Day.  I told her that I understood, and felt the same way…I told her that I was a Wyoming Pastor…and our sons lived in Colorado.  

I let her know, I had reminded our congregation the night before (Christmas Eve) that you can feel lonely as a Christian, but you’re never alone, if you know the Lord…because He is always with you!  

In our brief encounter... at her counter, she also told me that she was a Christian I shook her hand and walked away thankful that the Lord had prompted me to stop, to offer a lonely heart the encouragement that only the Lord can ultimately provide.

How many such opportunities await each of us in 2012?


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