Have you ever been Ghosted?

17 Never pay back evil with more evil. Do things in such a way that everyone can see you are honorable. 18 Do all that you can to live in peace with everyone. Romans 12: 17-18 Have you ever been Ghosted? I'm not writing about an eerie encounter with something other worldly, though if you ever have been Ghosted you will have your world rocked for sure! " Ghosting " is when someone you're dating ends ( Though it is not reserved just for dating relationships ) the relationship by cutting off all communication, without any explanation. … There are many psychological reasons why someone ghosts, but at its core, ghosting is avoidance and often stems from fear of conflict. As stated, it's not reserved to just dating relationships, I have experienced people I thought would be in my life forever, fade from my life like a sunset. Burning bright and beautiful for a short time, before the relationship goes dark I n a recent PsychCentral online articl...