My thoughts on the Kindle!
Kindle- a. To build or fuel (a fire). b. To set fire to; ignite. I resisted the kindle for years. Oh I heard about it, and had people encourage me to check it out. I persisted in my resistance! I like books, no I love books! I like the way they look, the way they smell, the way they fit on bookshelves, I even love book shelves! Real bookshelves made of wood ( from real trees, that squirrels climb) not press board! For me, there is nothing more inviting in a driving Wyoming blizzard, than the sanctuary of my office, and the opportunity to read. The Church I am blessed to Pastor has provided the most beautiful and inspiring study a Pastor could ever hope for…pray for. Whew, I digress! Back to the subject of this blog, a slate colored electronic reader named the kindle. Why do they call it the Kindle you’re wondering? The name Kindle as your aware means to ignite! And reading has that ability. Reading can set intellect ablaze, enable us to visit l...