My thoughts on the Kindle!

a. To build or fuel (a fire).
b. To set fire to; ignite.

I resisted the kindle for years. Oh I heard about it, and had people encourage me to check it out. I persisted in my resistance! I like books, no I love books! I like the way they look, the way they smell, the way they fit on bookshelves, I even love  book shelves!  Real bookshelves made of wood ( from real trees, that squirrels climb)  not press board!

For me, there is nothing more inviting in a driving Wyoming blizzard, than the sanctuary of my office, and the opportunity to read.

The Church I am blessed to Pastor has provided the most beautiful and inspiring study a Pastor could ever hope for…pray for.  Whew, I digress!

Back to the subject of this blog, a slate colored electronic reader named the kindle.  Why do they call it the Kindle you’re wondering?

The name Kindle as your aware means to ignite! And reading has that ability. Reading can set intellect ablaze, enable us to visit lands we have never seen, to spend time with the finest minds of the ages, and be less dull in social situations!

Readers are leaders after all…and reading is a passion I believe God put in to my life for the purpose of being a more informed, and hopefully a better prepared and more effective (well read)  minister.

The heretofore resisted Kindle sits at this moment within arm’s reach and beckons to me to open and discover a device that: 

Holds Over 3,500 Books- The ultimate travel companion, Kindle weighs 8.5 ounces and holds up (Worth repeating)  to 3,500 books!

You can Get Books in 60 Seconds- Whispernet utilizes Amazon's optimized technology plus Wi-Fi networks to enable you to wirelessly search, discover, and download content on the go.

I am hooked! Oh I will still read regular books that are made out of pulp and glue. I will always love bookcases…but this Kindle, it’s something else!

I will never be without one again!

Oh I forgot to write, you can read at night in bed with a built in light (Leather cover with light $60.00 extra and worth it)

And you can download mp3s and listen while you read!  

No I am not a paid consultant or salesman for Amazon, but I am one superbly satisfied customer! 

I purchased three books today! (actually four)  Shh h... don't tell Laura;)

And somewhere, a tree smiles as a squirrel scampers across a limb!


  1. Mark, I gave one to my wife for Christmas. She loves it. I use my mini computer and my smart phone, which is way smarter than me. But the reading is not as pleasant as on the Kindle. It is a great investment especially when, like my wife and me, we have downsized to an appartment. It was agonizing to get rid of some of my books, but I did not have the room. Oh well, we have made some progress that can be a blessing. unfortunately, I feel that our culture as a whole is regressing rather than progressing. I do enjoy your blogs. Keep them coming.

    Bro. Ray


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