Just an Ordinary week?
"Offer hospitality to one another without grumbling" (1 Peter 4:9 (NIV). They arrived this past Saturday afternoon. Seven men from Arizona, drywall experts, who we had contracted to come and tape and mud our new sanctuary. Our Church has provided a camper and a fifth wheel on site and enough food to make them want to become Baptists! They didn’t get started until Sunday afternoon. As of this writing they have done an incredible job, and most likely will have it finished by this Saturday! What a difference a few days make! Most of them have a difficult time with English, and I have an incredibly difficult time with Spanish. Yet a language they, we…. all understand is kindness and hospitality. Our Church members had brought so much food that the Arizona Seven…had to say No mas…. (No More)! On Monday night our mens group cooked ...