Gummy sharks, string cheese and a boy named Q!
But Jesus called them to him, saying, "Let the children come to me, and do not hinder them, for to such belongs the kingdom of God. (Luke 18:16).
He likes morning hellos and a squeeze now and then. He likes to play piano, with me (The blues) and enjoys snacks; we have that in common for sure! He is partial to pajamas and string cheese. He is also apt to eat a shark or two (gummy) if offered. In fact if I don’t offer, He takes me by the hand and forcibly leads me to a small refrigerator in my office, and asks me along the way, “What you got”…what you got”?
He is all of two years old, and he makes HillTop Baptist Church a place of laughter and fun! He is also my friend, and when I said something to him this week, that he felt reached the level of humor (wherever that bar is set for, a toddler) he told me in a clear voice, “You’re funny Pastor”!
Just yesterday when I came to work, he was waiting…and rushed to me and squeezed my leg, a fine how do you do, from a boy named Q.
His name is actually Quinton, but I call him Q or Q baby. When I first met him (He is our secretary’s grandson) I called him Bubba Luscious!
There is just something about this boy named Q! He is friendly, and loving, and full of laughter…and there is nothing quite like hearing him say …Hello Pastor, pronounced Hellwoa Pastur!
As I have reflected on this boy named Q this week, I thought ...yes it is true if you have snacks, he is there…but if you don’t he is still glad to see you, and wants to be near you. I wonder are we like that with God?
As long as God has stuff for us, jobs, cars, relationships, travel, …we are there, we want to be near Him!
If for some reason we are in need, are we too quick, too ready to take Him by the hand and along the way say …What you Got, What you got?
If for some reason we are in need, are we too quick, too ready to take Him by the hand and along the way say …What you Got, What you got?
Is it just enough to have Him? Are we just as thankful, to be with Him, to rush to Him at the first of the day and give him a squeeze?
This boy named Q has blessed my life; this boy has taught me that love can be felt and offered even if you are low on gummy sharks and out of string cheese!
When was the last time, you offered the Lord your gratitude, and love, without expecting anything, finding sheer joy at the thought of being His?
This incredible song reminds me of my friend Q, and the importance of showing the little ones in our life , the Love of Jesus...enjoy!
This incredible song reminds me of my friend Q, and the importance of showing the little ones in our life , the Love of Jesus...enjoy!
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