Fearless in Wyoming

    Alpine Wyoming is a beautiful town 35 miles south of Jackson Hole. This past Friday it was the scene of a fearless display of courage. OK, maybe a wee bit overstated, but stay tuned. Laura and our oldest son Brian and I had reserved three ATV's (All Terrain Vehicles) for the day.  

 Arriving at 9:00 in the morning we were assigned our ATVs. We loaded up on snacks and guided by a hand written map and our scout Brian, our journey began.

In Alpine, they allow you to actually drive right through the city, and into the national forest, 9 am in Alpine, Wyoming is cold! We were dressed for it, but I would have paid plenty for some gloves! 

The early chill finally subsided and we were treated to spectacular views of mountains and a rushing river, and the golden leaves of changing aspens:)

We sped through God’s canvas, and missed the turn to a lake (Pictured here>) we were supposed to be heading to.   

We drove 20 miles on the forest road before realizing that our lake turn was somewhere behind us…two campers confirmed we were making great time, going the wrong way! 

We got our bearings and  returned to Alpine for more gas, and were  now heading for  an unexpected rendezvous…. the fearless display of courage I earlier alluded to.  

We found an inviting dirt trail that led to an even more inviting off the road adventure.  And then it happened! Laura was riding in front, Brian was next, and I was eating their dust in third place. Suddenly a narrow and exceedingly steep trail appeared before us. 

I stopped as did Brian, I told him not me! His mom, and my wife of thirty one years, never hesitated, not in the slightest she approached that incline as easily as ordering coffee at McDonald's! 

I looked at Brian, and said:

 “That is one fearless woman”

He follower her up as I shouted again…not me, I will wait for you! 

While waiting the thought came to me suddenly, “If I don’t go up that hill, they will both have something to talk about at future family gatherings” so reluctantly and only after putting the ATV in 4-wheel drive did I make my glorious attempt!

 I got stuck somewhere between “Am I crazy, and this is going to hurt”! Balancing the four-wheeler at a steep incline, I was motionless. I couldn’t go forward, and going back was not the most attractive option!

 Brian appeared along with Miss Fearless 2012 and he helped me get down the hill. 

What are my take a ways from our mid September adventure?

Life in itself is an adventure, and you never know what is coming next. Some people are cautious, and some people are fearless.

The risk takers have the best stories! 

This theme song from the movie " Forrest Gump" reminds me of our Friday in September, and being with our son Brian and his amazing mother:) 


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