
Showing posts from December, 2012

Jesus, will meet you there!

       While Life is not easy, being alive is a great honor! Have you ever really stopped to think of all the things that just “happened” for you to be you? Your parents met, they expressed their love in act of intimacy, and your life began. Life from life…. and love. Perhaps your arrival came not from love but an act of violence, either way you’re here, and you matter! You grew up, and learned so much. You learned the importance of sharing and the way you felt when left out. You experienced school, and rules and expectations and time lines and deadlines and well…lines. Lines for lunch, lines for water, lines in the cafeteria. Life you found out early is about waiting your turn.   And you experienced achievement, on a spelling test or math test (Not me) and in the way your teacher (hopefully) observed your conduct around others. Childhood slipped away, and the teen years arrived, and the quest to discover who you were, began in a drama...