Why I am Thankful!

D o you believe that America had a destiny when we first broke away from England? Was there a purpose that stretched beyond the desire for religious freedom? A purpose far reaching and benevolent, a place that has led to a place we now call home, where you have certain Inalienable (cannot be bought, sold) rights…..that include life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness? I do, I don’t believe it was coincidence that led to our beginning . Behind History is the compassionate hand of God, God had, God has, a plan for every life and every nation! Peter Marshal once said: Our freedom does not mean that we can do whatever we please, but to please do what is right! This week Americans are reminded to be Thankful , it is the right thing to do! The first Thanksgiving Day at Plymouth, Massachusetts. The Wampanoag Indians were the people who taught the Pilgrims how to cultivate the land. The Pilgrim leader, Gover...