What to do when you see a Bee!

J ust recently I heard a little girl crying just outside my office window. I looked out, she was all of seven or eight wearing skates. I assumed she had fallen, and so I went out to see if she was OK. When I got to her she was on the ground crying hard, nearly inconsolable. She had another little girl with her, which I had not seen. I asked the girl crying, if she was OK. Her little friend decided to be her interpreter. She said she was crying, because she “Had Seen a Bee” let that sink in for a second… not been stung by a bee, but “Had Seen a Bee”. I tried to comfort her, reminding her not to be afraid of Bee’s that you see! How many times have you and I been afraid of something that could have hurt us, but didn’t? Someone once described fear as: F alse E vidence A ppearing R eal There are legitimate fears, in this life. However, The Lord Jesus Christ in comforting weary and frightful disciples, on the very night that He was to be betrayed, remind...