Time Travel!
I have a sappy confession to make. One of my all-time favorite movies is based on
the Richard Matheson's, 1975 novel “Bid Time
Return”. It’s about a playwright named Richard Collier, (The Late
Christopher Reeves) who journeys back in time from 1979-1912 to fall in love
with Elise McKenna. (Jane Seymour).
The movie is set back in time on
Michigan's, Mackinac (Pronounced Machinaw) Island, located on Lake Huron (500
residents, 15,000 visitors per day!) complete with period costumes and a moving musical score by the
famous Russian Pianist Rachmaninoff….
Time travel is an interesting proposition. Who of us wouldn’t want
to go back to some specific event or time in our lives to alter something, to
spend more time with someone, to relive a moment in time, now etched in memory?
I believe that heaven will afford
us many spectacular experiences. Perhaps we will be able to stand on the shore of the Red-sea as
Moses lifts up a staff, and God parts the water as easily as parting a child's
hair. To look on with eyes wide as water piles up and a four lane super highway
opens before the people escaping Egypt oppression!
To stand silently on a windswept
hill outside of Jerusalem, as the Prince of heaven gives His life for us…..to run stride for
stride with Peter and John, to discover an empty tomb, 40 days later, to be
seated with 120 other believers, as the sound of a mighty rushing wind fills
the room, and the promised Holy Spirit, fills our hearts!
I am thinking today, about what
it would be like to step back 2,000 years ago, to see firsthand “The Amazing
First Century Church” Notice the Characteristics of
that long ago group of believers:
42 They devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching, to the
fellowship, to the breaking of bread, and to prayer. 43 Everyone
was filled with awe, and many wonders and signs were being performed through
the apostles. 44 Now all the believers were together and
held all things in common. 45 They sold their possessions
and property and distributed the proceeds to all, as any had need. 46 Every
day they devoted themselves to meeting together in the temple, and broke bread
from house to house. They ate their food with joyful and sincere hearts, 47 praising
God and enjoying the favor of all the people. Every day the Lord added to their
number those who were being saved. Acts 2: 42-47 CSB
One of the marks of a New Testament Christ honoring Church, then and now, is a passion for God’s Word!
One of the marks of a New Testament Christ honoring Church, then and now, is a passion for God’s Word!
In fact I will say to you that an absence of interest and affection
for reading the Bible, studying the Bible, is a red flag. A person who says
they love Jesus will love His Word. A lack of desire to draw deeply from the
unlimited benefits of the Bible, suggests someone is not truly saved, or
certainly not filled with God’s Holy Spirit.
James Montgomery Boice, was the Senior
Minister of Tenth Presbyterian Church in Philadelphia from
1968 until his death, in June, of 2000, writing about a love for God's Word, he stated: "If
you are spirit filled you will be drawn to this book!"
Pastor and author J. Oswald Sanders said, “We are as close to
God as we choose to be.” God has made it perfectly clear He is vitally
interested in being close to every man and woman He has made.
The difference in the 1st century believers was
incredible. I want that for me and for you, I choose to avail myself to
opportunities to go deeper with the Lord. I want to model that desire and
interest to my family! How about you?
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