
Showing posts from August, 2009

When we have to say Au revoir

Au revoir- Used to express farewell.[French : au, till the + revoir, seeing again. Christians never say goodbye for the final time! In fact our English word goodbye, is inadequate to convey the hope believers in the Lord Jesus Christ have for seeing loved ones again. That is why the French word Au revoir (Until we meet again) gets much closer to what Christians (Will one day experience) when a loved one , for a time ...says Au revoir . Unless a miracle that I and countless others have prayed for occurs , we will say a teary (Sometime in the near future) Au revoir , to a gift from God named Michelle . She is a 39 year old (Daughter,Sister, Aunt, Friend, Co-worker) who is also one of the most precious people I (We) have ever known! In just three short months she has gone from a healthy professional, enjoying life , in Boulder County Colorado as an HR specialist, to struggling with a brain disease (Creuztfeldt-Jakob Disease) that is incurable. "Shell" is without question one...

Somewhere in the World

Pastors are called upon for many different and varying opportunities to minister. If there is one thing I enjoy more than most any ministry obligation, it is the dedication of babies to the Lord! To look into the shineing faces of husbands and wives who then entrust to a pastor their little bundle of joy, while words of dedication and prayers are offered to the Lord, is a joy! I have often wondered, and at times been privileged to observe that little life grow into childhood, and into their teen years as time passes by. As a father of three sons, my wife and I dedicated each to the service of the Lord Jesus Christ. They have now moved into adulthood, and the desire that they walk with Jesus, continues to burn brightly in their parents hearts! When dedicating babies or children to the Lord I have often sung a Wayne Watson, song that for me sums up my hearts desire for my own children and the little ones, I am privileged to pray for as they begin their life's journey. May the...