Amazed by Grace! many times have you heard that word? If you have been around Church for any length of have heard it plenty of times!
Words often used, over used, can lose their ability to convey meaning. Grace is a word that should never become common!
Grace properly understood, properly embraced will convey and carry deep meaning, to every Christian... until their last moment on this earth!
Then Faith shall become sight! We shall behold Him! Until then, we need to consider, to ponder the meaning of...Grace.
Grace...what is it? What is so amazing about it?
Why do Christians refer to it so frequently? I believe because Grace is the one word that reminds us of our value to God, to His Son, to the Holy Spirit.
Because of Grace, lost humanity became the object of both love and rescue!
A love (Personified in The Lord Jesus Christ) that would rather leave heaven, endure unbelievable cruelty, to provide a rescue... ...