Amazed by Grace! many times have you heard that word? If you have been around Church for any length of have heard it plenty of times!
Words often used, over used, can lose their ability to convey meaning. Grace is a word that should never become common!
Grace properly understood, properly embraced will convey and carry deep meaning, to every Christian... until their last moment on this earth!
Then Faith shall become sight! We shall behold Him! Until then, we need to consider, to ponder the meaning of...Grace.
Grace...what is it? What is so amazing about it?
Why do Christians refer to it so frequently? I believe because Grace is the one word that reminds us of our value to God, to His Son, to the Holy Spirit.
Because of Grace, lost humanity became the object of both love and rescue!
A love (Personified in The Lord Jesus Christ) that would rather leave heaven, endure unbelievable cruelty, to provide a rescue... from sin for lost humanity, through personal repentance and acceptance of God's Glorious Son!
If you know the Lord Jesus Christ, you are have been rescued!
It has helped me to think of Grace this way...
G- God's
R- Riches
A- At
C- Christ's
E- Expense!
A real and vital relationship with God through His Son and the assurance of Heaven, is a reality for human beings who acknowledge their sin debt, to the only one who can do anything about it!
It's grace extended by the hand of our Redeemer that enables us to be saved. We can't work for it, we can't earn it! An evangelist from another era in time named George Whitefield wrote:
What! Get to heaven on your own strength? Why, you might as well try to climb to the moon on a rope of sand!The Apostle Paul whose own life was radically changed by meeting Jesus wrote:
Pastor Charles Stanley wrote:
“If you believe that your salvation came about by anything other than simply believing in what Jesus Christ did for you on the cross, then you believe that your salvation was in some way related to your own works. If you believe that your salvation is related to your own works, then you will believe that you can in some way “undo’ your salvation.
On the other hand, if you believe that your salvation was based solely on what Jesus did for you and what the Holy Spirit has done in you, then you believe that your salvation was the work of God.”
Charles Stanley, Understanding Eternal Security, (pg 18)
For you know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, that though he was rich, yet for your sakes he became poor, so that you through his poverty might become rich. (2 Corinthians 8:9) NIV
His grace will amaze believers for always...for ever! The following video reminds us of ...His Matchless, Amazing...Grace...
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