Son-lit Pathways!

Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight.(Proverbs 3:5-6).
To be directed by the hand of God, to know that your life has been useful, helpful...needed, that is my hearts desire. Today on a crisp beautiful afternoon, I am thinking of how incredibly exciting and fulfilling it is to follow the Lord's path!
He offers "Son-lit Pathways"!
This past Sunday (October 18th) I received a unanimous call to serve as Pastor of the exciting and loving, HillTop Baptist Church in Green River, Wyoming. A remarkable series of events brought me (It was all the Lord) to this town of 12,000 in South West, Wyoming.
I have pastored full time since 1988, in every Church the Lord has directed me to, I have found acceptance, adversity, community and challenge! And in some Churches, more...bee's than honey:)
As I look back with deep gratitude to the people of God I have met along the way,( In other Churches) My wife (Laura) and I now feel that we are at last... home!
Maya Angelou wrote:
"I long, as does every human being, to be at home wherever I find myself".
To be at "Home" for me is to at last have found ( been guided) to the Church I have always wanted to pastor.
The Church I have always wanted to Pastor, is where kindness is the norm, where people believe that God has unlimited power, and can change an entire community if we dare to believe Him for it! A Church where laughter and hallelujahs fill the hallways!
Wyoming is a beautiful state...and the people I am privileged to serve have opened their hearts to me in so many wonderful ways! If every Pastor, pastored a HillTop, how incredibly blessed their life would be! And there would be fewer search committees!
I will forever be thankful that in the providence of God, His hand, His pathway, pointed West...
I pray that He will leave me here for the rest of my ministry life, the people are that warm....the opportunities are that vast...the path is that Son-lit!
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