Are you living Out Loud?

I have been blessed with many wonderful friends in my life's journey. What is a friend? Someone defined a friend as "Someone who rushes in, when the whole world steps out". I like that!

Erma Bombeck said "A Friend is someone who does not go on a diet when your fat"! I thank God for my many friends Ha Ha!

I was reminded this week by a true and great friend about the importance of "Living out Loud". His reminder challenged me, it will challenge you. The question is what does "Living out Loud" mean really"?

I believe it means making the most of our brief time on this earth by living a vibrant life for the Lord Jesus Christ!

"Being like Him, in all things, in this world of all places".
OK so...what does that mean?

This week I learned that two awesome teenage girls took the time to visit a lady in her 80's leaving behind not only cookies....but a warm and caring act of kindness that made a difference! They were simply out Loud!

This past week, two friends, that I value... took a dryer (As a gift) to replace one that was not working to someones home!

Living out Loud...means thinking of others, being other minded...thinking what can I do that will put a smile on someone elses face?

By the way if someone does not have a smile...give them yours!

This week a lady who lives out Loud...left an encouraging card on my desk, with chocolate mint me her thoughtful words that lifted my heart,...lingered longer than than the cookies!

Live out Loud...make the most of your short time here!

The Apostle Paul put "Living out Loud" this way...

Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you. (Ephesians 4:32).

Just today a special friend sent me the following video...a must see, about a young man who is truly living out loud.


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