My Addiction, Time to get Honest!

It is time to come clean, to pull aside the curtain, to shine a light, to let the skeleton out of my closet!
I am addicted. There I said it! I have an insatiable craving, desire if you will.
I have spent thousands paying for my addiction...and I not only can not stop...I refuse to!
Don't try to plan an intervention, I will walk out on you!
I am addicted to...Books!

I love it! I do I really do! I have been known to read a book while watching my sons play you can really get some reading in watching that sport!
Football, the time in between plays oh baby....several paragraphs can be yours for the taking!
Basketball....yep, that's harder but if the teams are in a fouling mood....I am good to go!
I have often told my sons "Readers are Leaders" I believe it! In fact may I tell you something?
Your the same person now that you will be in five years except for two things:
1. The people you know
2. And the books you read!
In my wallet right now, there are two library cards, one for Wyoming, and one for Colorado. I am so smitten with what is written, that I doubt you could ever find me at an event, without a book!
When I watch T.V. I always have a book in reach, and often look forward to commercials, so I can mute them, and read!
When I am near Christian books stores, it's like a magnet to my Iron desire to go in and let them have numerous dead presidents, (Think Cash) if in exchange, they let me go with words, thousands of them, placed in order, between two covers!
My personal study and library at Church is like heaven to me...
I feel so much better getting that out!
Paul Sweeney said: “You know you've read a good book when you turn the last page and feel a little as if you have lost a friend.”
My kind of guy!
The wonderful Church I serve has indulged this Pastor by providing the most beautiful study in all of least I think so!
The wisest man of his day Solomon (A prolific writer) wrote:
Of making many books there is no end, and much study wearies the body. Ecclesiastes 12:12
To that I say " No pain no gain"!
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