Friendship always has its time!

        * is a social network service created in 1995 by Randy Conrads. The social media website is designed to assist members in finding friends and acquaintances from kindergarten, primary school, high school, college, work and the United States military. has more than 40 million members in the United States and Canada.

In early 2008, Nielsen Online ranked Classmates as number three in unique monthly visitors (U.S. home, work) among social networking sites. * Wikipedia

I am a member. From time to time, friends from my past will reach out to say an overdue hello. It's been said ..."That no matter how good a friendship is, it always has it's time".  Meaning that the people who once occupied a prominent place in your day to day life....will not always be there.

Life moves like a stream, and the people we love and know...have goals and ambitions, that inevitably will lead them away, and we are left to consider their impact. reminds me of yesterdays friends. The people that meant so much to me then....have like a stream ...flowed away from my life.

My life is better because for a time we were flowing in the same direction:)

Just last night looking at the Classmates website...I noticed they had yearbooks from my High School online. I don't know how they do that....but I am quite sure you can find your very own class year book available for reprint!  Last night I looked at a yearbook from my High School class.  The yearbook actually belonged to a friend from those days. I now have concluded that the Classmates people, purchase old yearbooks, then upload them for purchase.

 I was stunned to see in my friends own note to her, thanking her for her friendship....and wishing her luck for the future!  Thirty Two years ago as a 17 year old young man....I had written in her yearbook.

More than three decades later....that signature from time...appeared!  I looked at it for a long moment....and silently thanked God for the incredible gift of life and of friendships from long ago....that at the most unlikely times....reappear in our lives to hopefully suggest that somewhere someplace we were as much a blessing and support to our long ago they were to us.

One of my favorite songs from my youth by Seals and Crofts reminds us.....that our time here is short, so....Have a blast why you last!

And when it comes to the  friendships of your life, cherish, embrace and know that while they were or will be just for a time....for a time they were....and you are better for having them:)


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