On Getting Older

Don't let the excitement of youth cause you to forget your Creator. Honor him in your youth before you grow old and say, "Life is not pleasant anymore." (Ecclesiastes 12:1). Someone wisely said: “You know you are getting older, when the phone rings and you hope it is not for you” I am getting older every day! And so are you. What are we becoming, where are we going? Life is more a destination than a road-map, by that I mean life is not always predictable. To be sure there are days that stretch into months where it seems like one day is a carbon copy of the previous one, with only slight alterations. Yet change is happening all around us, and within us *Our body renews itself and changes in many ways. The first way is with our blood plasma, the liquid portion of our blood. It renews itself every ten days. Our white blood cells renew themselves every two or three weeks. Then we have our red blood...