Living without Regrets

Get rid of all bitterness, rage and anger, brawling and slander, along with every form of malice. Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you. (Ephesians 4: 31-32).
Is possible to live without regrets? We look back on our lives and we think if only I had done this...if only I had not done that, if only I had not said that...
Like it or not you are, where you are now, because of choices you made, along the course of your life. It is to easy to blame other people for why we are the way we are.
There comes a time (hopefully early) in every life where we must accept responsibility for the choices, the moment by moment decisions that have impacted our life, and others lives... either for good or for bad.
“Regret for the things we did can be tempered by time; it is regret for the things we did not do that is inconsolable.” Sydney Smith
So what will you do, what will I do about living a regret free life? Can it be there just to much damage that has been done....have you burned to many bridges, hurt to many people with words spoken in anger, words that you simply cannot retrieve?
I have a friend who is heading home for the Holidays...with the goal of mending emotional fences with extended family. Recently, I received a card from her. I quote from her note with permission:
"When I left home 14 years ago, it was not on the best of terms. For some reason God has laid it on my heart to go home and make things right, with my family, and whether they will forgive me or not, I have forgiven them and let it all go. I am praying for a very loving and caring family regathering, rebuilding and healing time together"This is a person who has decided to not live with regret, to not leave undone, her hearts desire to make things right!
What if her desire for reconciliation does not happen? Has she failed?
Hardly! Long ago I learned that...
The more spiritually mature person always takes the initiative to make things right!
If my friend is met with open arms or folded ones...she will have done her reach out to offer a new beginning for live without regret!
Lets do the same!
Thanks for this post Mark. I have regrets--for instance, I can't eat a "Clementine" without wishing I could go back to the time Shell visited us in Maine. If I had only known then... We never realize at the the time how our words, which fall so easily from our lips, can affect tomorrow. I love you punk. ;)