The First Woman that Loved this Guy!

She must have captured my heart, with a smile, followed quickly by a hug, so warm, so comforting, so full of tenderness. I didn't know it then (How could I) but that first hug would be the beginning of soothing comfort, wise council, and reassurance that no matter how hard life was...she would be there for me. And to think,it all started with that first hug.
Of all the women in the world, how thankful I am that the first woman that ever loved me, was to become the picture of kindness, and concern, and someone who would teach me through the formative years of my life, that to be kind and considerate to others was an essential part of personal development!
The first woman that loved this Mom... Alora.
Alora, even the name is classy! You should meet the one who has carried that name all these years! Mom, is the friendliest person I have ever met. With a voice that instantly puts one at ease, you realize that your talking with someone who cares about you...even though you may have never met her before in your life...she has away of making you feel like the most important person in the World!
She is always thinking of others, selfless, always wanting to know how your doing, how is your life going? Can I help you, do you need anything?
She is a first class nurturer! I watched with my own Hazel eyes, her faithfulness to care for my dad when he had suffered a devastating stroke. In the early years of their marriage he was not always kind to her, or good to her...when that stroke occurred, she could have walked away...but she walked toward him. And did what ever it took, to help put our family back together!
When my sister faced death (Incurable Brain disease) in 2009 there was mom...loving caring, nurturing her to her last earthly moment. I was honored to be a front seat observer to greatness! Both in my sister's courage when leaving this planet, and mom's love that was so deep, so all encompassing that her home was and is filled with it...filled, with love!
As a Pastor I have had the joy of preaching God's Word, and of caring for people in all the vast experiences of life...from birth's to death's to triumph, to heartaches...and if I have any competency it' is because I lived with and was loved by this most remarkable woman!
I cherish her, I have been helped by her, I have been counseled and instructed and mentored by her. I know that many men feel affection and love for their moms as they should, but trust me there is something very special about my Mom!
When this life is done for me...I have no doubt that I will look back with deep gratitude that I shared a " Season in Alora's path" it has been a warm and gentle passage...and I would not be who I am today...if I had been placed in other arms that 2 day of March 1961. Thank you God for placing me snugly in the arms of the first woman that loved this guy!
When the Denver Bronco's won their first Super Bowl owner Pat Bowlen said "This one's for John" meaning John Elway.
Well this song's for MOM!!
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