The Great Teacher Inspires!

“The mediocre teacher tells. The good teacher explains. The superior teacher demonstrates. The great teacher inspires" William Arthur Ward
Inspiration is defined as: inspiring or animating action or influence: I cannot write poetry without inspiration.
2.something inspired, as an idea.
3.a result of inspired activity.
4.a thing or person that inspires.
a.a divine influence directly and immediately exerted upon the mind or soul.
b.the divine quality of the writings or words of a person so influenced
Dr. J. W. MacGormans's influence, mentoring and inspiration has been apart of my life since having him as a professor during my Masters work at Southwestern Seminary from 1984-1987.
He has been teaching since 1948, by the time, I first met him, first heard him, in 1984!
He was very gracious, and kind. He would walk into class with nothing more than his Greek New Testament, he needed nothing else! He would then translate the scripture...into English on the spot... as easily as you and I might read the USA today newspaper! That was impressive!
What moved me most however, was his tenderness, the sparkle in his eyes, and the passion that characterized his every word, every thought!
He was also vulnerable telling us (Students) the heartbreaking story...of his own son who was dying, and who adamently refused to listen to scripture, rejecting any suggestion that Christian songs be sung at his funeral.
Dr. MacGorman, had two earned Doctorates, and was lamenting the fact that in his ardent pursuit for advanced degrees...and more letters after his name, he neglected the "most" important letters to have after your name, as a Father...DAD!
My favorite Dr. MacGorman quote ..."It is never the servant's prerogative, to tell the Master (The Lord Jesus Christ) what he will do"
Years after leaving Southwestern with Masters degree in hand, I returned to pursue a Doctorate, and during a chapel service saw Dr. MacGorman...
I walked up and thanked him for how he had impacted, influenced...inspired my life! He thanked me,his eyes just as kind, his smile just as warm.
I am sure he did not remember me...but no matter...I will never forget Him!
Update! I just got off the phone with Dr. MacGorman, and his wife! He is 90 now...and we had a wonderful conversation, as I thanked him for being such a towering inspiration!
Later today, I received this email from Dr. MacGorman:
Dear Mark,
Anyone as indebted to God for his patience and forgiveness as I am needs a long life to say, "Thank you!" He has extended my earthly visa for 90 years, and you have encouraged me by what you have written and said in our conversation today. Thank you, and may the Lord continue his blessings upon your ministry. Our seminary classes were His, not mine!
Jack MacGorman
A lesson for us all, to say thank you when God prompts your heart!
Thank you Dr. MacGorman!!
This song reminds me of Dr. MacGorman...because He reminds me most of all of...Jesus!
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