Prayer Answered!
Pray, pray about it...just pray! Often in response to a challenging life situation we are be told to pray, or we tell someone else to pray.
Does prayer change anything...really?
Prayer changes us: The prayer of a righteous person has great power as it is working( James 5:16). Great power...working power, affecting change?
Not only does prayer change us...
Prayer changes perception: In the book of 2 Kings chapter 6 we read the fascinating account of a Syrian King who was beside himself because the Prophet Elisha knew of his plans to attack Israel (God revealed them) before he could have his plans to harm Israel carried out.
So he decides to have the Prophet arrested.
When the large contention of soldiers arrive, Elisha's servant is afraid...the Prophet asks God to change the servants perspective by opening his eyes to the vast protective armies of God, that are usually unseen!
Then Elisha prayed and said, "O LORD, please open his eyes that he may see. "So the LORD opened the eyes of the young man, and he saw, and behold, the mountain was full of horses and chariots of fire all around Elisha. (2 Kings 6:17).
We are not without help! The forces of Good, the Forces of God are more powerful than those of our enemy! The wonderful Bible teacher Ray Stedman put it this way:
What we must never lose sight of is the basic problem is that this is a battle between the kingdom of God and the kingdom of Satan, and that man himself is the battlefield. Life is basically a struggle. Life never conforms to the rosy idealism of our dreams, or to the romanticism of our songs!
That's why prayer is critical!
This week I had the privilege of hearing the congregation I serve audibly gasp, at hearing the news of dramatic answered prayer. For several years now we have been in a building program. The Church continues to grow, and additional Sanctuary space is needed.
The news that moved us all....involved a bid for a critical component for the Sanctuary coming in for the first time...after several years and several bids...affordable! So affordable...that we now can see with the eye of Faith a completed Sanctuary in the near future!
Why...because Prayer is answered!
What are you asking God for, believing God for just now?
Listen to David Wright play "If my People Pray" and think of the possibilities of ansered prayer, in your own life!
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