A Matter of Perspective!
His name was Mike. He was 48 years old a carpenter by trade, out of work out of money but… and he emphasized this, he was…not out of hope. He had been hitchhiking from the Yellowstone area. It had taken him 9 days to catch enough rides to make it to Green River. He was tired, he was hungry and now he was looking at me.
I am a part of the Travelers aid ministry that assists people who are traveling through and have limited to no resources. I asked Mike how much money he had on him, he replied 6 cents!
He wanted; he needed a room, for the night. I hesitated because funding for travelers aid is often tight and especially so in the summer. Not to mention some “Travelers” are professionals who refuse to work …who by their own choice amble across the country subsisting off the generosity of hard working people!
Mike was not a “Professional Traveler” he just needed a friend.
I talked about knowing Jesus; he assured me he did….and that’s why he was not lonely…why he was not without hope.
He told me that homeless shelters attract many who are homeless by choice. He said
“I am not homeless, I am residentially challenged”!
I liked that! He said if I allow myself to think I am homeless…I will lose hope.
Mike, got his room, and a meal…I received so much more….perspective and the reminder that we are not defined by what has happened to us….we are all travelers after all, who need to keep our eyes on The Lord Jesus Christ, if we will…we will have hope, because we have Him!
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