Windy Wyoming!
A cowboy commenting on the Winds of Wyoming said:
It's so windy (In Wyoming) that you can watch your dog run away for two days if he's headed upwind....downwind, he's in Nebraska in 3.7 seconds!
Strong constant Wyoming wind…that can blow a teenager off their feet…. frequently shakes chubby preachers and allows birds to break speed records!
Walloping Wearisome Wyoming wind is something you have to accept if you live in the 9th biggest state (Land size) in the union!
Rock Springs, Wyoming…a place of many Rocks and Springs I have yet to see, was the location for an encounter with the above mentioned wind.
At the time I was driving a 1999 Dodge Durango. The driver’s power window was broken, and I being a frugal (Think Cheap) owner had it held up by clips. While driving on an incredibly windy evening….the window fell down. I got out to raise it up for re-clipping….and the wind blew my brand new adidas cap off of my head. It took off like it was launched off of Cape Canaveral!
Stand by Durango owner too cheap to fix window….we have cap liftoff!
In almost any other state in the union….if your new Adidas hat blew off you would make an attempt to find it. Ha! Not in Wyoming, not on a windy day….forgetaboutit!
Stand by Durango owner too cheap to fix window….we have cap liftoff!

In researching why Wyoming, is so windy I learned:
The Great Divide, coupled with the latitude of Wyoming relative to weather coming off the Pacific, make it a pretty sure bet the wind is goanna blow.
That explanation sounds logical to me. I am just glad I don’t have a dog….that has leaving on their mind!
By the way if your reading this somewhere across the Atlantic, should a burgundy wind blown newer adidas cap land at your feet….enjoy!
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