Just in Time

O n a Wednesday, a few years ago, I had one of the most incredible experiences of my life. A call came into the Church I pastored in Wyoming, requesting someone to visit a woman dying of a terminal illness. I took the call and told her daughter I would be there within an hour. I walked in the home one hour later, meeting the daughter her Dad and the woman (In her late 50's) who was ill. She told me clearly and directly that she was dying. I asked her how can I help you? She looked me straight in the eye, and said I want to know how to be saved, and I want to be baptized I placed my hand on hers, and told her that as a teenager in North Carolina I heard the Gospel (Good News) that the Lord Jesus Christ would forgive me and save me if I repented from sin (Turn from) and trusted Him, and Him alone for my salvation. I shared several other verses that point to the Lordship of Christ, and how all humans need what He alone can provide. I asked her if she would like to give her life to...