Making good decisions!

The calling of "The Twelve Apostles" by the Lord Jesus Christ, is a incredible reminder that God sees far-reaching potential in ordinary people, it furthermore teaches us our Lords method of decision making.
One of those days Jesus went out to a mountainside to pray, and spent the night praying to God. 13When morning came, he called his disciples to him and chose twelve of them, whom he also designated apostles:
(Luke 6:12-13).
Our Lord often spent time alone with His Father in prayer and contemplation before making critical life decisions. We would be wise to do the same!
Prayer is not only significant but crucial. Jesus makes major decisions and works miracles out of the context of prayer. Prayer is not just a good idea but is the fabric of His connection with the Father. Chris Sarris
Each day life thrusts choices upon us. Sometimes we have to choose between the good and the will we know what to do, if we don't ask God to show us?
The question often asked is just how does God speak to us today? I agree with Henry Blackaby who teaches that God speaks through the Bible, through prayer, through circumstances, through other people and the Church to reveal His plans, His purposes, and His ways.
I have learned that God never contradicts His Word, so if you feel directed in a way that is contrary to the revealed Word of God, you can be sure it is wrong! For instance does God want you to cheat on your taxes? Of course not, His word teaches "Thou shalt not steal"(Exodus 20:15).
What should you do if your tempted to be unfaithful to your spouse? God's word again says ...Marriage should be honored by all, and the marriage bed kept pure, for God will judge the adulterer and all the sexually immoral.(Hebrews 13:4).
At the height of her fame as the other woman in the Ivana and Donald Trump breakup, Marla Maples spoke of her religious roots. She believed in the Bible, she told interviewers, then added the disclaimer, "but you can't always take [it] literally and be happy."I disagree, if you fail to apply Gods word and seek His will, with the decisions of life, your sure to have a life of sporadic fulfillment, followed by grave mistakes... that could have been avoided by seeking God heart, and His wisdom!
Determine to make good decisions!
This is ecxellent Mark! Is it a sin to steal it? :) I love you.