The Ministry of Presence

1. The state or fact of being present.
2. Immediate proximity in time or space.
3. A person who is present.
I read of a little girl once who went to comfort a sorrowing mother. "What did you say?" asked her father. "Nothing," the little girl replied. "I just climbed up on her lap and cried with her."
At some point in this life, you will need people like that!
As this on-going drama continues in our families life, with the life threatening sickness, endured by our precious Michelle, it has been beyond comforting to meet and hear of people who like the little girl, practice the "Ministry of Presence". How we have needed you!
You know them don't you? They are the ones who build decks that are wheel-chair accessible, they are the ones who send cards, they are the people who send flowers..
They are the kind of folks that don't think twice about driving more than 200 miles round trip to give a pedicure, help with showers, bring requested donuts or pizza's or anything else needed to relieve the stress, of these challenging days.
People who understand the importance of the "Ministry of Presence", bring meals and offer prayers,to the only one who can give you the strength to make it through one more more long night.
There the people who linger after a Worship service and look into your eyes and assure you that they are praying for you and your loved ones, and by looking into their eyes, you can see their sincerity, and compassion.
The people who live out the "Ministry of Presence" come to see you...and after they go, you know God has sent them...for your time of heartache...your time of sorrow.
They are hospice workers, who despite laboring in the "Shadow of death" are quick to offer a smile, and a hand on a shoulder...a reassuring look.
The people who are most like Jesus, are the ones who send you on your way, to be with family and never question how long you will be gone. Ministry of Presence people just know, they just do....they just love.
Someday you will need them, we need them now....and they have come, are coming ...and will come. Why? Because they represent Jesus and He sends them, just when we need them most!
"Ministry of Presence People", for all that you have done, and all that you will do.... our family says to all of you a deep and resonant...thank you! People who practice the " Ministry of Presence" fulfill our Lord's command found in the Gospel of John.
A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another: just as I have loved you, you also are to love one another. 35 By this all people will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another." (John 13: 34-35).
How true! what a difference their presence in making. Like you for sharing your heart with us. I praise God for YOUR presence.