

Coincidence is the word we use when we can't see the levers and pulleys. Emma Bull
     Life is 70 or so years of randomness, where life just happens to fall in what is perceived to be orderly, directed…scripted events!

  But that is all an illusion….. the people we meet, the places we live, the experiences we have are all by chance, no plan behind our lives….we are born, we grow up, we enter into a profession of some kind….a myriad of relationships frame our existence…then we inevitably  bow to, submit if you will,  to the biological progression of our own mortality.  

Someone or many some-ones say so nice things about us, we are eulogized, and mourned for a season and our life is simply consumed into the vast nothingness’ of the universe. 

There will be no reunion, life ceases to exist! Your life my life is forever covered by the sands of time!

Some people actually believe that!
    It's the atheist who has to believe that almost all the people who have ever lived have been seriously mistaken about one of the things that mattered to them most. -C. S. Lewis
This blog, this day…is not by (design) a rebuttal to atheists. For that, check out William Lane Craig’s website
No today I am thinking of how the Lord has done so much in my life! He has opened doors, He has guided my life, and He provided for my education. He sent a woman for me to love and sons to raise and churches to serve and students to teach.
Some skeptics would argue….oh really,  I too have had my share, of unique experiences but to me it was just coincidence.
I would say what some people call coincidence is in reality the will of God, the hand of God!
For he gives his sunlight to both the evil and the good, and he sends rain on the just and the unjust alike. (Matthew 5:45). NLT
I know this much my life has been rich….and I can trace my fulfillment back to the early 1970's when a North Carolina teenager, discovered that God keeps His Word, and whoever calls upon Him shall be saved.
I did, and He did….and my life has been anything but random….and hardly coincidental!
Andre'Crouch's song "My Tribute" conveys what I am thinking about today enjoy...


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