Looking Ahead!

      I am the kind of person who seems to be always looking ahead, to what life offers, what awaits out there somewhere.  In fact my mom says that is a quality that I share with my dad, who has been with the Lord coming up on thirty one years.  

She still refers to me as her dreamer. It’s intended as a compliment, because by definition as it related to my dad, and now relates to me….it is simply a deep desire to set goals, to realize that life passes quickly, and before we know it opportunities that once beckoned, called to us….slowly begin to fade.  Granted in the Lord Jesus Christ, life is ever new, and it… 

“Is never too late to become what you have always wanted to be”

That said, the longer we postpone our goals be it for more education, or acquiring a skill that we at the moment do not have, while we wait to begin, we are making withdraws from the bank account of life and time.  

The time is now for your dreams, don’t wait!

I well remember a Dear Abby advice column question from some years ago, where the writer, stated their goal was to be a Doctor…but the concern was that it would take four years of College, four years of Medical school, followed by a year of internship at a hospital…nine years!  Dear Abby replied….

        “What will you be doing in nine years, if you don’t do it?”

What are you dreaming of? I hope you still have dreams, goals and hopes.  Don’t relinquish those dreams until the Lord allows that desire to fade from your heart!  

What might you be, what might you do?

I often ask people this question when they are struggling with life direction….

What would you do with your life, if money was no object, and you knew you could not fail?

The initial response often is the best one….and it clears away fears, and for a brief moment allows people to dream.

    Dr. Francis Schaeffer wrote to a young woman who felt quite dejected about her life and about her disappointed hopes. And he is urging her to believe that God can make something beautiful out of what was a genuine mess. He wrote,

“The Lord Jesus, in John 9:4-5, has told us what is true. We must work the works of him who sent me while it is day; night is coming, when no one can work. 5As long as I am in the world, I am the light of the world."
The night is coming when no man shall work. Our lives are short, shorter than any of us thinks, and we are not given to live them a second time”
Are you making the most of your life, your time?

I love the theme song from Forrest Gump, it reminds me of life and time and opportunity!


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