Memorial Stone Eight: Our Second Arrow!

Some people make your life better by just being in it. You know the kind of person I am describing. When they walk in a room, you just know that they bring with them love, not a little bit either....they are love walking into your life, and you smile! Ever since November 29, 1988, our family has had a person who defines what it is to be generally interested in others, a person who I think sometimes, for what ever reason, does not know how much he adds to those around him. Today I am writing for my wonderful son Ben...because in the 23 years, he has been on the planet, my life and many many others has been enriched by knowing him! In fact, my mom once said to me "Ben, is a hug waiting to happen!" I defy anyone to truly know him, and not love him. He is a big man, with a heart that is so gentle. Being his dad is one of the great joys of my life! Why? Ben is kind! I love that quality in people. ...