A Right Of Passage at the DMV!

There are moments within each hour that are packed with signifigance! “Life Moments” happen all around us, and if were not careful we can miss their significance…only to look back with regret, that we didn’t savor the moment when it arrived.
Several years ago my middle son Ben, Laura ( My Wife) and I pointed our Toyota North to Longmont, Colorado and an appointment with the Department of Motor Vehicles. That’s of course long for DMV…I wonder if to most teenagers on the verge of the freedom that a drivers license brings, think DMV must stand for
Desperate and Motivated to drive a Vehicle…or perhaps it stands for....
Dad, Mom…I am Virtually grown up now…. For me the trip to the DMV is a right of passage, a time to bask in the moment, fully aware that after the obligatory drivers test…the smiling face of a teenager means more that I passed….it means I am passing through to a brand new chapter of my life.
Perhaps it’s been sometime since you have been at the DMV, maybe your little gift from God has all they can handle driving a tricycle. Either way remember this about life and time…..
Life is: What “happens to us” while we are waiting for something to happen!
Time is but the stream I go a-fishin in. I drink at it, but while I drink I see the sandy bottom and detect how shallow it is. It’s thin current slides away, but eternity remains. Henry David Thoreau
And remember that while all of us go through the inevitable rights of passage personally or as observers….through our wonderful Savior we have eternity to look forward to…and as exciting and meaningful a trip to the DMV can be when your 16……the best is yet to be!
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