Dave and Mary’s Early Morning Influence!
Be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, as God in Christ forgave you. (Ephesians 4:32). We may (wrongly) believe, and conclude that our lives are not making any significant difference in the World. Sometimes however, something happens, in such a unique unmistakable way that we know, that we have touched a life, and we smile. Events happen all around us, and I am sure, that we are more effective than we might realize. Heaven alone will reveal the smile, handshake, gift, hug, card, call or other expression of concern that on a day, lifted someone’s heart. Just yesterday (Sunday) after the first service, I was talking with a man who had never been to HillTop Baptist Church before. He lives in Rock Springs, travels a lot and we may not see him again, yesterday we did, I did…and I talked to him after the service. He was having shoulder problems and...