
       Life is often predictable. The sun rises, the sun sets, the seasons come they go…unless you happen to live in Wyoming where winter is reluctant to leave, and overstays his welcome!   

We go to work, we come home from work, we check email, we check checking account balances, we eat a burrito, we check email, we look at face book, and we have a taco!

My point is that life is sometimes so continual, so normal, that we can sometimes get weary with it all!

Were you aware that America has the highest per-capita of boredom of any country in the world?  How do you know that? Because of all the amusements we have! Disney land and World, Lego land, Universal studios Hollywood and Orlando, twitter, face book, TV, video games, movies, travel, etc. 

I have found in the midst of all this business, I often find myself longing for something more…Pizza land!  

Not really, actually I often feel a tug in my heart, for a place I have never been before.  No, it’s not Hawaii, or any other earthly place.  I long for home, no not Colorado or Wyoming! 

Think of  much much higher elevation!

I believe you know what I mean. I believe like me, you to….have felt that strange sensation, that there is something more than what’s offered on this spinning ball in space. 

I am not being intentionally morose or gloomy, there is much to love and enjoy about earth. 

As declared followers of the Lord Jesus Christ He however reminds us to not become so comfortable here (On earth) that we forget, that as a believer there is truly something more, and it’s all because of what the Lord Jesus Christ accomplished with His death, burial and Resurrection!

For He rescued us from the domain of darkness, and transferred us to the kingdom of His beloved Son, in whom we have redemption, the forgiveness of sins. (Colossians 1:13-14). 

Famed writer and Professor C. S. Lewis expressed most accurately what I am trying to get across today: 

 “If I find in myself a desire which no experience in this world can satisfy, the most probable explanation is that I was made for another world." 

I intend to keep living, really living as long as the Lord allows, but should my time here end soon, just know I am home, and I am waiting…for you…I will be the one eating pizza:)

This song has always left me feeling the anticipation at last...at being in my true homeland…enjoy!


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