Dave and Mary’s Early Morning Influence!

 Be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, as God in Christ forgave you. (Ephesians 4:32).
    We may (wrongly) believe, and conclude that our lives are not making any significant difference in the World.  Sometimes however, something happens, in such a unique unmistakable way that we know, that we have touched a life, and we smile.  Events happen all around us, and I am sure, that we are more effective than we might realize.

Heaven alone will reveal the smile, handshake, gift, hug, card, call or other expression of concern that on a day, lifted someone’s heart. 

Just yesterday (Sunday) after the first service, I was talking with a man who had never been to HillTop Baptist Church before.  He lives in Rock Springs, travels a lot and we may not see him again, yesterday we did, I did…and I talked to him after the service.  

He was having shoulder problems and he specifically,  directly requested prayer. That is not unusual, as a Pastor I often am asked (And honored) to pray with people. 

What was stunning to me was that he did not ask that I pray for him (Though I did) but that I ask Dave and Mary Breakfield ( A loving and faithful couple who love the Lord and His Church) to pray for him.  He was almost insistent, it was a determined request, and later as I reflected on it, it moved me in a profound way.  

Why? You ask? 

 Dave and Mary had never met him before!  In that early morning Worship service during a greeting time, they had positively impacted him, with their warmth and kindness! Their Holy Spirit filled lives influenced this man deeply!

Be sure to have Dave and Mary pray for me!

Wow, as a Pastor I can’t tell you what that meant to me!  You see all of us, are to reflect the Lord Jesus to those we meet. We are His ambassadors, His kids…and along the way of life, he has already planned occasions for us to care, to love, to warmly befriend the people He places in our path.

I will always remember…. Dave and Mary’s Early Morning Influence!

Just who will he place in front of your life’s door today?

How will you treat them?

This quote has always blessed me, and points vividly to the difference one life can make:

I expect to pass through this world but once. Any good, therefore, that I can do or any kindness I can show to any fellow creature, let me do it now. Let me not defer or neglect it for I shall not pass this way again. ~ Steven Grellet


  1. Beautiful story! A great reminder that a simple act on my part can change someone's day or even their life!


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