He blew and they were scattered!

In God we trust is printed on every coin issued in the United States. In 1588 in England Queen Elizabeth, ordered that a Gold coin be struck with the motto…” He blew and they were scattered”, …He blew and they were scattered?
Why in the world would that phrase be put on a Gold medal? In May 1588 Spain was the most powerful nation on earth. And riding the crest of that power, the Spanish had set their sights on invading and capturing England.
To accomplish that task King Philipp of Spain sent his navy, the most powerful Navy on the seas. This fleet made up of over 100 warships was known as the invincible Armada. No nation on earth could hope to defeat it.
Departing Spain the Navy headed North toward England. Before they could attack however they ran into a monster storm. Actually a hurricane far north, of the path hurricanes normally roam. And it was this staggering hurricane with its murderous winds that virtually annihilated the Spanish armada. That was the end of Spain as a world power. The winds had stopped them before they could reach England. And all of England, including Queen Elizabeth…knew that God had sent the storm.
He blew and they were scattered, was the phrase of praise that was uttered in every village, pub and church in all of England!
Not a word was said of Mother Nature or a chance event…all the glory went to God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit!
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