Peter Marshall on Effective Preaching

Graduations remind me of my own youth, and the choices, guidance (Of The Lord) and life experiences that have brought me to where I am today, serving a growing, loving Church in Wyoming.
It seems like yesterday that I took a diploma from my High School principle and began my post High School journey.
Years of academic preparation, was to follow. I remember, those fledgling first opportunities to minister, the encouragement and patience of early congregations.
I use to say to the Churches I served as I began my ministry..."there must be a special place in heaven, for congregations that have young Pastors"!
What a trip it has been!
Of the many mentors that have benefited my life, I am thinking today of the wonderful Scottish Pastor Peter Marshall. He emigrated to the United States via Ellis island,(arriving in 1925) worked his way through Seminary, and became in time one of the most influential voices for God in America, even becoming Chaplain of the U.S. Senate!
Heart problems took him from this world into the presence of Jesus in 1949 at the tender age of 46. I am looking forward to meeting Peter, and I wonder what he will have to say to me...when I step into heaven, referred to by Peter, as..."that larger life".
Years ago Peter, speaking to young ministers at the Gettysburg Theological Seminary said something, that has become my hearts desire as I stand week by week, bringing God's Word to His people.
"You must root your preaching in reality, remembering that the people before you have problems, doubts, fears and anxieties gnawing at their faith.
Your problem and mine is to get behind the conventional fronts that sit row upon row in the pews, consider for example, the needs of the people who will come to hear you preach.
Use your imagination as you try to deal with problems that are most real to them.
If, when you write your sermons, you can see the gleaming knuckles of a clenched fist, the lip that is bitten to keep back tears, the troubled heart that is suffering because it cannot forgive, the spirit that has no joy because it has no love, if you can see the big tears that run down a mother's face, if you can see these things, preach them, preach for them, and get down deep."
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