This Day His Day!

“I must work the works of him that sent me, while it is day: the night cometh, when no man can work. (John 9:4)
Opportunities, days of surrender to the Lord, pass rapidly. It’s hard to believe but I once read that the average person lives just 25,000 days! Don't get out the calculator just yet.
Days that test us, thrill us, frighten and fulfill us. That’s life!
Life is difficult and often the mere act of living drains our energy, especially when look far out into the distant horizon and wonder what waits around the next corner.
Why is it that we tend to think we will be happy somewhere out there? When I pay off the mortgage, when the kids walk across a stage to take a college diploma in hand (And we can stop dying of maltuition) when I reach this goal, look this particular way…drive that model of car.
Happiness is not in the murky distance… and I will not finally arrive on day 19,003 feeling totally fulfilled day 23,001 will not necessarily be a zip pity doo da day! I have discovered that day to day fulfillment is found in Jesus….and wrapping our minds (More importantly our hearts) around the concept of living this day, His day, for him.
Each January we make resolutions that are usually shelved by February. What if we made a conscious decision to live in the moment….to take life as it comes one moment at a time, one day at a time? To in effect become “This day is His day” kind of people, what might happen to you and to me if we choose to embrace life …like that?
Years ago I hear this sage advice from a wonderful man of God when asked how to know the will of God, he replied …
“ Just follow it the best you know how for the next 15 minutes, let that 15 minutes turn into an hour, that hour into a day…that day into a week, that week into a month, that month into a year that year into a lifetime of walking with the Lord”
Think of the possibilities, determining to live each day as His day, one day at a time…This day His day!
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