Honor is a choice

Honor your father and your mother, that your days may be long in the land that the Lord your God is giving you. (Exodus 20:12).
Honor is a choice
Each day the choices of life come to us one after another. We have to make a decision to listen and act upon the blaring alarm clock by our bedside….do we push snooze, if so how many times? We stumble to the bathroom, where we decide if we will make ourselves socially acceptable that day, and shower…the many people you will encounter in the next so many hours, unconsciously are hoping you will decide yes! And so it goes, what to wear, what to eat for breakfast, when to leave for work, what to eat for lunch. That’s life, one decision after another.
In a fascinating on-line article about becoming a creative person, that is turning the thoughts and decisions of life into productive living, I learned, that according to Nobel Prize winner Herbert A. Simon, creative people must have abundant "relevant knowledge."
“Despite the fact that the average person has 50,000 thoughts per day, studies have shown that it takes about 10 years of effort to acquire the 50,000 "chunks" of knowledge necessary to be reasonably creative. Simon has determined, the more chunks, the better; the more exclusive the chunks, the better. To excel in the creative process, you must know a lot about a few things and a little about a lot of things.” Business First of Louisville - by Paul Willax December 10 1999
One chunk of knowledge you and I need to retain…is Honor your father and your mother!
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