Our Lords expectations of His people

And he said to him, “You shall love the Lord your God… Shall is a strong word isn’t it? It is demanding, it brings to mind the absolutes of childhood…you shall clean your room! You shall not fight with your brother and sister! Now I don’t remember my Dad or Mom using the word “Shall” exactly…but they were well acquainted with the word synonyms!
According to the online legal dictionary by farlex,
1) an imperative command as in "you shall not kill."
2) In some statutes, "shall" is a direction but does not mean mandatory, depending on the context.
Growing up in my house shall was mandatory! Provided you relished living! We must not provide an out for this command from the Lord Jesus Christ, by suggesting that His words are not mandatory, that we can pick and choose our obedience the way some select food from a cafeteria line.
I will have a little bit of commitment, not too much, a small scoop of discipline if you will…a full portion of love thank you very much, a smidgen of patience, And can I get patience to go? I am watching my weight after all!
No, shall means shall….it s an imperative!
The love of Jesus exampled on the cross is the compelling reason for our own devotion to Him!
Such devotion reminds me of the story of A certain medieval monk (The middle ages were from 5th century Ad until around the 16th century, approx: 1,000 years) announced he would be preaching the following Sunday evening on "The Love of God."
As the shadows fell and the light ceased to come in through the cathedral windows, the congregation gathered. In the darkness of the altar, the monk lighted a candle and carried it to the crucifix. First of all, he illumined the crown of thorns, next, the two wounded hands, then the marks of the spear wound. In the hush that fell, he blew out the candle and left the chancel. There was nothing else to say. Source Unknown
The Lord Jesus Christ, the king of Kings. Lord of Lords, who purchased us with the cost of His very life…says “You shall love the Lord your God! There is nothing else for us to say, other than yes Lord! Our love effects it transforms, It engages… our
1. Heart
2. Our Souls
3. Our Minds…and
4. Fellow human beings!
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