Memories of Dr. Adrian Rogers

The great Scottish preacher Peter Marshall once said “It’s not the duration of a life that counts but the donation”.
How thankful Southern Baptist should be for the duration and donation of the life of Adrian Rogers. Dr. Rogers pastored the historic Bellevue Baptist Church in Memphis Tennessee, from 1972 until his retirement in 2005. He left for heaven in November of the same year.
He was a three time president of the Southern Baptist Convention. A preacher without peer, and a statesman in the first order.
I had the opportunity to meet him on four different occasions, each time he looked intently into my eyes, and expressed genuine and heartfelt interest in my own ministry journey.
He was so very kind, I never felt rushed in his presence, it was if I was the most important person in the world to him.
When I think of Dr. Rogers, I am reminded of this truth:
"People will forget what you say, but they will never forget the way you made them feel."
Dr. Rogers, thank you for the way you made me feel!
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